SI15 Jukebox

The “SI15 Jukebox - When We Collide” is a sound installation that automatically selects and plays back soundfiles. It remixes monophonic and quadraphonic files using an algorithm that over time optimises among constraints such as: even spectral saturation, maximal rhythmic variation, and equal usage of soundfiles.

The sound installation will be physically present as part of ArtScience Museum’s Sunday Showcase on 23 August 2015. A virtual version will be streamed online during the SI15 events (and beyond). The names of all contributing authors will be indicated at the physical sound installation and the streaming website.



To join the SI15 Jukebox: prepare one or more quadraphonic files, and one or more monophonic files. The format must be AIFF or WAVE, 16 bits, and 44100 kHz. Mono files must be between 1 and 15 seconds in duration, and quad files between 15 and 55 seconds. Put all files in a folder bearing your name (or nickname). There can be any number of files in your folder as long as its total size is no more than 50 MB.

Upload your submission at:

Your quadraphonic files will be treated with integrity. The system will always play them back in their entirety and without transforming pitch, time, or spectral content. It might however apply fades, adjust sound level, and apply ‘light’ spatialisation such as rotation or scaling. Your monophonic files, by contrast, might be subjected to any kind of DSP transformation known to man.

It is recommended that you prepare your files so that they have a degree of sonic unity, homogeneity, and recognisability. There are no limitations to style. Your files can be made from soundscape recordings or synthesis, be short electroacoustic compositions or raw material. Only technical considerations will determine whether your submission is acceptable or not.

You are responsible to ensure that you possess the appropriate rights to the soundfiles you submit. By submitting files to SI15, you confirm being the rightful owner to all sonic material, and you grant the SI15 organisers rights to use this material under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (